Общество с ограниченной ответственностью
"Научно-техническая производственная фирма "Эталон"
455030, Россия, Магнитогорск, Западное шоссе, 15
(3519) 580-155, mail@ntpf-etalon.ru

Strengthening additive for runner clays NITRO-FESIL® AL

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Strengthening additive for runner clays NITRO- FESIL ® AL is a composition of silicon nitride, iron silicides (FexSiy) and antioxidant. There also may be small amounts of free iron.

Strengthening additive for runner clays NITRO-FESIL® AL is meant for used in running clays to improve corrosion stability, persistence to heat stocks and abrasing effects of slag and iron.

NITRO-FESIL® AL is produced on a special facility by high-temperature synthesis under high pressure of nitrogen (up to 20 MPa).

Chemical composition of strengthening additive for runner clays NITRO-FESIL® AL

Strengthening additive for runner clays NITRO-FESIL® AL Mass fraction, %
Si3N4 Iron silicides FexSiy Antioxidant C O P S
not less then not more then
NITRO-FESIL® AL 70 15-25 1-5 0.1 0.1 0.04 0.02
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